A common question customers ask us when they purchase their hot tub is “How will my hot be tub be delivered?”.
At Hot Tub Liverpool we offer a few different options. You can either choose to have your hot tub delivered kerbside drop off, delivery and positioning in place, or the full installation package, whereby our friendly and knowledgeable engineers will position your hot tub and hardwire it in for you if you have bought a 32amp hot tub. If you have chosen a 13amp tub this can just be plugged straight into a normal household plug socket. They will then fill it for you and talk you through the chemical and water chemistry procedure and make sure that you are confident in the maintenance of your hot tub. This service is completely free of charge and is the most popular method of delivery.
We get your hot tub in place via a sleigh method, whereby our engineers will pull your tub on the sleigh into place. Sometimes if the access is not wide enough to get the hot tub in, a crane will be required, this comes at an additional charge. To find out more about the crane delivery speak to one of the team.
Our hot tubs are all delivered complete with a cover, steps and a starter pack of chemicals as standard.